Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Podcast - Episode 03

This weeks episode is all about links! We've got em.. look for them below the podcast link. Since we did a whole reading on emerging technologies in e-learning, I wanted to know what web 2.0 tools and or applications everyone used. I also wanted to know peoples comments on how they thought the tools they used are shaping "web 3.0." This week is was able to interview Lily, Erica, Henry, and Professor Foreman.

Links to Cool Tools:
iGoogle: http://www.google.com/ig

Google Docs: http://docs.google.com

Google Maps: http://maps.google.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com

Pandora: http://www.pandora.com

This link wasn't covered in the podcast but for those of you looking for public domain music to use on your blog, this is a great resource

IODA Promonet: http://iodapromonet.com


Anonymous said...

Hey Brian,

Thanks for the podcast! Listening to the concepts we covered last week was a great refresher and a nice change from reading text on a screen.



Come and See Africa said...

Brian, I appreciate this lively, interesting podcast. You made it fun by integrating the content with music, your thoughts, classmates' thoughts with this weekly broadcast for itec 830. Way to go!

Amy Lilley said...


I can't believe how clear and professional you podcast is, even with the inclass inteviews. I can't wait for your presentation on podcasts. I am totally inspired to do a class project in the future on podcasts.